Wednesday, December 20, 2006


stripped of yr right to be indifferent and apathetic.
no. you dont even have the right to begin with.

we cannot believe you, pun intended.
are you so hardened that you are deluded? or maybe it's a great show that you happily sit at the director's chair. i cant decide if they rather it be a lie.

sweat and blood down the drain. a destroyed relationship.

* * *

zion went outreaching at plazasing today.
it's comforting to see the power of Hope pple over the island? there was this girl who was so irritated with us. "you are the sixth person who shared to me! someone approached me at Tampines mall also."

i was initially with jonquek, gwyneth and guozhang. jon shared to these 2 cathigh people and they received Christ. (: then we splitted and i went off with guozhang. we asked several people, many rejections. spoke to these three girls and shared the gospel. one of them is alr a believer while the other two were uninterested abt the gospel, no matter how we shared :/ initially i was kind of worried, cause that believer didnt help us in anyway and she seemed unsure of the whole God thing.. but after the whole sharing, she specially walked back and came up to us, shoke our hand and said "just wana thank you for just now. well done!"
:D made me think of the time i shared to the peicai girls in srgn.macs and a believer teared.

went for pm, and went home.